标签 AWS 下的文章



理想的方案是增加一个OAuth2服务,两个网站分别接入这个服务。但是由于特别的原因,旧网站只能进行微小的发动,于是要求这个 OAuth2 要能够支持自定义流程以旧网站的顺利接入而且不需要多少的变化。最终选择了使用 AWS Cognito 服务

参考文档:使用 Lambda 触发器自定义用户池工作流

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What can do

Good at all simple business, not dependent on the server, can be used with API-Gateway.
Only need sample functions.

What to do

first of all, we need a AWS account.
launch AWS Console

Create a Function

goto Lambda->Dashbord click the button Create function
enter a name for this function
create a new role for this function.
select Runtime as Nodejs 8.10 (this only nodejs code)
see: Lamda Functions
see: Using an IAM Role

hander is important

The module-name.export value in your function. For example, "index.handler" would call exports.handler in index.js.